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Amateur Radio Extra Class Upgrade Services Guide
Acquiring the Amateur Radio Extra Class License affords full privileges on all authorized amateur radio frequencies. Portions of the HF bands reserved only for Extras become available which can be quite useful during contests and DXing.
To acquire the Extra Class license you must pass a written test that includes FCC Element 2 (Technician), Element 3 (General), and Element 4 (Extra). If you already posess a Technician or General Class license credit is allowed for those elements.
How hard is the Extra Class test? Anyone can pass the test if they're willing to invest the required time and effort. Even if you have a lousy memory or are not technically proficient, you can still pass. It's just going to take more study time.
How to Prepare? A number of Extra Class license manuals, study guides, and videos are available. Some focus on technology while others lean towards memorizing correct answers. In reality, a combination of both is typically needed to pass the exam.

The Training Process
So what is the best approach? You can try reading the manuals, watching videos, using flash cards, and taking practice test sessions. Or .... you could use a HIGHLY effective, online service that intelligently guides you through the entire learning process at your own pace, identifies your strengths and weaknesses, tracks your progress, and assures your success.

Excellent Study Guides
HamTestOnline is a service that has everything you need to understand the materials and pass the Extra Class exam. Topics are presented in the order optimized to acquire the required knowledge with actual exam questions employed to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Learn at your own pace and pass the exam with confidence! is an online service that provides an excellent Study Mode covering the Extra Class Questions along with a detailed list of all the questions (element by element) and the answers. A practice test session is also provided.
WaveTalkers Is an Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation service providing instant feedback on each exam question. A Quick Review feature allows you to focus on just the correct answers for each question. This site serves as an excellent study guide as you prepare to take your ham radio license exam.
The ARRL Exam Review is another excellent service providing a review of exam questions by specific sections of the ARRL Guide or FCC Elements. It includes a review of your progress and the ability to reset all your scores and start over.

Online Courses & Videos
Amateur Extra Class License Training is a series of 41 videos based on the ARRL 12'th Edition Extra Class license manual. The videos provide coverage of all the manual's chapters and subsections and includes amateur radio operating best practices. The video is intended to be used in conjunction with reviewing the ARRL manual.
Ham Radio Extra Class 12th Edition is a series of 12 videos covering an online Amateur Radio Extra Class license class conducted by the W4EEY team. The videos provide insight into each chapter of the ARRL 12'th Edition Extra Class license manual. Exam questions are covered at the conclusion of each section.

Reference Materials
The ARRL Extra Class License Manual Even if you choose an online service that provides everything you need to successfully upgrade, publications such as the ARRL Extra Class License Manual can be very helpful as references to consult to help fully understand the training material. It includes all the Extra Class questions and answers along with detailed explanations.
The Extra Class Question Pool consists of 622 questions from which 50 are utilized in the actual exam. THIS IS IT!....a list of the exam questions and all the correct answers. You can use this list as a handy reference for looking up specific questions.